Pergikerja.com : LoKer Jakarta Terbaru Admin Marketing PT. Sinergi Performa Cipta Agustus 2023
7:05 PM
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PT. Sinergi Performa Cipta saat ini membutuhkan karyawan dengan posisi sebagai berikut :
Posisi :Admin Marketing
Note : Loker ini di POST oleh https://pergikerja.com
- Fresh graduated with at least 2x internship experience in social media marketing and influencers management/KOL
- 1 year experience in managing social media account and KOL
- Ability to adapt in a fast paced environment
- Mastering in microsoft office or sheets and docs
- Can work in along with cross functional team
- Great communication skills
- Area : Jakarta
Jobdesc :
- Handling agreement operations smoothly, from filling in request details, alignment with the legal team, and archiving each of the agreement documents. (template will be provided)
- Maintain a good administration of office filing system esp on keep track all the legal docs status
- Handling and checking details on MRD submitted to creator team
- Managing end to end process for social media request coming from business team and schedule handling with social media team
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PT. Sinergi Performa Cipta
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Note : Loker ini di POST tanggal 09 Agustus 2023
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